Our school again won first place in the Operation Greenlid recycling competition organized by the Berkeley County Solid Waste Authority in partnership with Apple Valley Waste!
Every week, our mixed recycling – paper, plastic (not grocery bags), aluminum and cardboard – is gathered throughout the building by middle-schoolers and set outside by the shed in the back parking lot. A dedicated group of SJS family members totes it every week during the school year to the Grapevine Road recycling center for counting.
On May 18, almost 30 middle-schoolers from SJS were honored during the Berkeley County Council meeting, where it was announced that SJS collected nearly 600 totes (each tote is 96 gallons!) during the school year!
Second place went to Martinsburg South Middle School, with an estimated 323 totes, and third place went to Hedgesville Elementary School with an estimated 218 totes.
Congratulations to all who were celebrated and thank you to all who do their part in taking care of Mother Earth!