Early Childhood Education Program
Saint Joseph School offers Pre-Kindergarten programming for ages two, three, and four.
Call (304) 267-6447 for more information.
Learning Objectives
Faith formation:
- Introduce the sign of the cross
- Daily morning prayer and at mealtimes
- Reading Bible stories and singing songs about Jesus
Social & Emotional Learning:
- Introduce sharing and taking turns
- Encourage empathy, understanding the feelings of others
- Learning how to express feelings and communicate needs appropriately
- Helping in the classroom with weekly jobs
Language Development:
- Recite alphabet
- Introduce and practice manners
- Understand that using words, not acting out, is the proper way to communicate
- Listen to others
- Expand vocabulary
- Follow simple two-step directions
School-Readiness Skills:
- Potty training
- Self-help skills
- Introduce how to clean up, and put toys away, and personal items in the cubby
Pre-Reading Skills:
- Participate in story-time activities
- Recognizing name
- Introduce letters
Cognitive Skills:
- Introduce numbers, colors, shapes
- Hands-on science and cooking activities
- Ask and answer questions
- Introduce opposites
- Introduce math concepts such as counting, sorting, one-to-one correspondence
Fine Motor Skills:
- Use play dough to strengthen fingers
- Painting with brush or fingers to gain control
- Coloring with crayons
- Using a glue stick
- Use a fork or spoon while eating
Large Motor Skills:
- Jumping, dancing and running on the playground
- Gym time with instructor
- Bounce, kick, throw and catch balls at recess and gym
Faith Formation:
- Learning fundamental Catholic prayers and the sign of the cross
- Daily morning prayer and at mealtimes
- Weekly lessons based on stories from the Bible
Social & Emotional Learning:
- Focus on sharing and taking turns
- Learning to work in a group setting with small- and large-group activities
- Making choices
- Learning how to recognize and respect the thoughts and feelings of others
- Following directions
- Use words to express feelings, resolve conflicts and communicate needs
- Helping in the classroom with weekly jobs
Language Development:
- Following two-step directions
- Using words to express feelings and solve problems
- Introduce and practice manners
School-Readiness Skills:
- Learning daily school routines
- Practice putting on coats and shoes
- Hanging up coats, backpacks and putting folders away
- Eating snack/lunch independently and cleaning up afterward
- Learning to take care of personal needs like washing hands and cleaning nose
Pre-Reading Skills:
- Participate in story-time activities
- Recognizing and writing name
- Introduction to writing letters and letter sounds
Cognitive Skills:
- Identifying basic numbers, colors and shapes
- Hands-on science and cooking activities
- Exploring math concepts: one-to-one correspondence, pattern recognition and counting
- Learning opposites
Fine Motor Skills:
- Use play dough to strengthen fingers
- String beads
- Painting with paintbrushes
- Learn to hold pencils, crayons and markers with a proper grip
- Begin using scissors
Large Motor Skills:
- Jumping, dancing and running on the playground
- Gym time with instructor
- Parachute play
- Bounce, kick, throw and catch balls at gym and recess
Faith Formation:
- Learning fundamental Catholic prayers and the sign of the cross
- Prayers at snack and lunchtimes
- Daily prayer and religious activities
- Relating Bible teachings to real life
- Prepare students to attend weekly Mass with students in grades kindergarten through eight
Social & Emotional Learning:
- Identifying emotions
- Encourage empathy
- Learning to work in a group setting with small- and large-group activities
- Communicating wants and needs in an appropriate way
- Using verbal communication and maintaining eye contact
- Helping in the classroom with weekly jobs
Language Development:
- Encourage questions and answers
- Speaking in front of a group through show and tell, student of the week and special events
- Practice using manners
- Encourage social interaction and conversations
- Singing songs
School-Readiness Skills:
- Following directions
- Understanding and completing classroom routines
- Showing respect to teachers and other students by following directions when outside the classroom
- Using listening skills to complete tasks
- Take care of personal belongings
- Eating snacks and lunch independently
- Cleaning area after eating and playing
Pre-Reading Skills:
- Identifying upper- and lowercase letters
- Identifying letter sounds
- Recognizing letter sounds and how they relate to words
- Understanding text and its uses
- Identifying parts of a story
- Sequencing events in a story
- Identifying and creating rhyming words
Cognitive Skills:
- Identifying numbers 1-100
- Identifying same and opposites
- Drawing conclusions
- Hands-on science and cooking activities
- Exploring math concepts: estimating, comparing shapes and sizes, creating and identifying patterns, and counting to 100
Fine Motor Skills:
- Hold pencils, crayons and markers with a proper grip
- Uses scissors to cut straight, jagged and curved lines
- Use play dough to strengthen fingers
- Using buttons, zippers and snaps
Large Motor Skills:
- Jumping, dancing and running on the playground
- Jumping on both feet and one foot at a time
- Gym time with instructor
- Parachute play
- Bounce, kick, throw and catch balls at gym and recess
- Using hula hoops
Frequently Asked Questions
Faculty & Staff
Jennifer Sowers
Infant Teacher
Sophia O’Malley-Heredia
Infant Aide
Isabella Warburton
Infant Aide
Janelle O’Meara
Toddler Teacher
Pierina Torniere Martinez
Toddler Aide
Dana Curtis
Floating Aide
Vanessa Mercado
Little Crusaders Teacher
Dennis Dodson
Little Crusaders Aide
Deborah Mancilla
Little Crusaders Teacher
Amanda Marquez-Johnson
Little Crusaders Aide
Melissa Guenther
PK Jr. Teacher
Inna McCarron
PK Jr. Aide
Jeannette Sharp
PK Jr. Teacher
Russel Beach
PK Jr. Aide
Liz Buscema
PK4 Teacher
Sarah Kaltenbaugh
PK4 Aide
Becky Mulvihill
PK4 Teacher
Debbie McAboy
PK4 Aide
Stephanie Dardaris
2nd Grade Teacher